Antoine Rault is a playwright, a novelist and a screenwriter who won the prestigious Grand Prix de l’Académie Française (the French Academy Prize) in 2006 and was nominated for the Molières (the French equivalent of the Olivier Award) for several of his plays.
Antoine started writing poetry and short stories at a very early age. He sent his first plays to Jean Anouilh who became his mentor. He is only 23 years old when « La première tête » is staged at « La Comédie de Paris ». Meanwhile, he also writes for the French national radios France Culture and France Inter.
He graduates from the Paris Institute of Political Science and then works as an advisor and writer with high-level civil servants, politicians and CEOs, an experience that feeds his writing that he pursues relentlessly.

Monsieur Sénégal
They were called « les tirailleurs sénégalais » (the Senegalese Tirailleurs). Amadou Lo, 20, is a tirailleur no more : the First World War has ended and he has been demobilized. And he never was a Senegalese…
De grandes ambitions
What happened to our dreams of youth ? Were they just some illusions ? And do we accept to be who we have become ? What time does to us ?
This novel follows – over a period of thirty years starting in the eighties – different characters of the generation X…
L'espion idéal
Two parts of the history of Charles Hirscheim – the French spy turned German spy after the 1WW – in one volume.
La traversée du paradis
1920s. Lenin and the Bolsheviks are reigning down the Red Terror. A French spy, Charles Hirscheim, turned German spy, Gustav Lerner, is sent on a mission to Russia, disguised as a communist. But his real mission is to find the woman he loves…
La danse des vivants
La vie dont tu rêvais
Je veux que tu m’aimes
Theater Plays